I liked the blog because I tend to like writing so my thoughts deep or otherwise are important to me. I like the idea of sharing them although the audience who reads this is a tad small.) I liked the flickr mashups and image generators because they can make the text and the look of what's online more eyecatching and likely to attract an audience. Delicious helps keep all these sites organized. You tube appeals to my need to have a mental health break PLUS the videos con provide useful and frequently painless education. I feel similarly about podcasts. All in all the things I mentioned are items I think have definite usefulness at my worksite.
Not quite sure about twitter and im. Twitter goes against my need to explain and to get my meaning across. I don't see that as happening in a FEW words; and im goes against my need to not always be found. I don't want to be instantly contacted and on a bad day I'm not sure who in this universe does.
I'd like to thank the NTRLS for doing this. It was intersting and forced me to try my hand at literally a range of activities that usually I would have said I have no time for.